Here are two names that are almost the same function. They are used to describe the movement of the tape forwards and backwards in pause while viewing a reasonably clear picture. The name "Videola" only appeared in the early production of the SL-2000 and Zenith portables. Because of a legal conflict with a company named Movieola it was quietly changed to Swing Search. More about this can be found here. Both Videola and Swing Search lets you control the tape back and forth in pause while viewing a picture. The speeds available are x1 and slow, which is about a frame every two seconds. In both speeds the capstan rotates smoothly as it moves the tape each direction. Swing Search was also later used to describe what would later become Step-motion, thought it handles the tape in a slightly different manner. It has individual settings for advancement and the tape pulses as it moves through individual frames, usually at 1/10 or 1/5 per second. This stepping action is what gives this function its name. Single frames on demand can be viewed by pressing the FRAMES button on some models. Zenith labeled this feature "Video Action".

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